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Nike Women's Soccer United Pack



Photographer: Tyler Ashlock
1st Assistants: Sam Ortega, Cameron Smith
Retoucher: Jolene Taschner
Stylist: Todd Templeman
VFX: Evan Schafer
Creative Director: David Oliva
United Pack Lead Designer: John Akira Harrold
Producers: Lisa Zandi, Wendy Bryant, Stephenie Bitz-Martell
Brand Narrative Director: Dudu Viola 
Men's GFB Senior Studio Manager: Amanda Kuhns
Luna Lead Designer: Jamie Oelrich
Senior GFB PLM: Emily Johnson
GFB FW Designer II: Fiona Lesecq
FW Graphics Designer II: Eileen Happer
Women's CDM Manager: Darcy McFarlane
Talent: Jason Peters, Katie Gibbons, Sean Kristine, Sadie Hanalei



Ahead of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, we teamed up with the Nike Global Football crew to shoot their new line of soccer boots slated to hit the field for the most important event in women’s soccer.

The team crafted these moody orange and purple lighting entirely with practical effects.